
जिस घर में यह वंदना सुनी जाती है | उस घर की माँ सदैव रक्षा कर वहाँ माँ धन व्यापार के नये रास्ते खोलती देती है | Bhakti Darshan ~ 2022

2022-06-17 132 Dailymotion

In the Garuda Purana, Linga Purana and Padma Purana it is said that Lakshmi was born as the daughter of the divine sage Bhrigu and his wife Khyati and was named Bhargavi. According to Vishnu Purana, the universe was created when the gods and asuras churned the cosmic Kshirsagar. Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, her compassion is with all the devotees.

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